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Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)


For all your site specific requirements of Portable Appliances.

DAB Specialist Services would be pleased to offer advice and supply costs for the Portable Appliance testing in your premises.

All tests and work carried out will meet current regulations.

5 Yearly Fixed Wiring and General Electrical Testing

For site specific requirements on fixed wire testing DAB Specialist Services would be pleased to offer advice and supply costs for the fixed wire testing in your premises.

We will carry out all installation work and cover electrical call outs within your premises.

All tests and work carried out will meet current regulations.

Smoke Vent Doors

These must be maintained by law as a statutory test you as the responsible person will be liable if anything should happen.

These are located normally along the corridors to the apartments. They will look like a normal door but have no lock or handle.

These are activated by a smoke detector normally located adjacent to the fire door, when activated the door should open via a ram located to the inside of the door in the smoke duct.

Only the door on the floor that has been activated should open to allow for the smoke to escape through the smoke vent at the top of the building. If another door opens on another floor this will cause the smoke to be deposited and hamper the evacuation.  

Under no circumstances should more than one door be open in the building unless they have been activated by the detectors. 

We recommend a minimum of 4 visits a year on a quarterly basis covering 100% of the system over the visits.

Dry Riser Maintenance

landing-valve                               main-incomer

Dry/Wet Risers require a statutory maintenance regime in place. This will ensure all systems are water tight and operational for the Fire Brigade if required for use or inspection.

Maintenance regimes will be site specific.

DAB Specialist Services would be pleased to supply costs for the maintenance of the Dry/Wet Risers in your premises.

All tests will be carried out meeting current regulations.

Emergency Lighting


Emergency lighting systems require a statutory maintenance regime in place. This will ensure all escape routes are supplied with the correct levels of lighting to allow evacuation.

Maintenance regimes will be site specific.

DAB Specialist Services would be pleased to supply costs for the maintenance of the emergency lighting in your premises.

All tests will be carried out meeting current regulations.

Contact Us

Please fill in all required fields.

Head Office

Tel: 01708 553373
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Unit 12 Easter Park
Ferry Lane
Essex RM13 9BP

Regional Office

Tel:  0845 272 6810
Fax: 0845 272 6811

252-262 Quayside Tower
2nd Floor Broad Street
B1 2HF


"Please pass on my thanks to the repair team for providing a first class, friendly and professional service"

Andrew Langton, Facilities Manager