Smoke Vent Doors
These must be maintained by law as a statutory test you as the responsible person will be liable if anything should happen.
These are located normally along the corridors to the apartments. They will look like a normal door but have no lock or handle.
These are activated by a smoke detector normally located adjacent to the fire door, when activated the door should open via a ram located to the inside of the door in the smoke duct.
Only the door on the floor that has been activated should open to allow for the smoke to escape through the smoke vent at the top of the building. If another door opens on another floor this will cause the smoke to be deposited and hamper the evacuation.
Under no circumstances should more than one door be open in the building unless they have been activated by the detectors.
We recommend a minimum of 4 visits a year on a quarterly basis covering 100% of the system over the visits.